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News & Guides
A Ripple in Time 2024 Guide: How to Complete Tasks and Get Rewards in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go A Ripple in Time brings back a ton of exciting rewards. A Ripple in Time is a global research mission and the trainer must catch Celebi. In addition to catching Celebi, trainers can also complete other objectives in the Ripple in Time event. It consists of an 8-part quest in which the trainer must complete the objectives and make new friends.
We will provide tips on completing these tasks, but it will also take a lot of your patience and time, you can choose to Buy a Pokemon Go Account to reduce the pressure of your collection and experience the game better.
How To Complete Tasks and Get Rewards?
First Tasks
Power Up Pokemon 5 times. (You need to get stardust and candy by catching Pokemon and hatching eggs), Complete 2 battles in a Gym. (No need to worry about winning or losing, just fighting), Win a Raid.
Rewards: Completing these tasks earns you 10 Poké Balls, a Fast TM, and a Super Incubator for hatching Eggs.
Second Tasks: Make 3 new friends by sending a trainer code, Evolve an already evolved Grass Type Pokemon, and Catch Pokemon for three days in a row.
Rewards: Completing this part of the tasks will earn you 1,500 Stardust, a Sun Stone, and a Premium Raid Pass.
Third Tasks: To reach Trainer Level 25 with Pokemon(players can play the game and complete these quests to gain player experience, and use Lucky Eggs to double the amount of experience gained in 30 minutes)
With a Sun Stone, evolve Gloom or Sunkern(Can be found on a grassy field in good weather),Hatch 9 Eggs. (Use the Super Incubator you get to speed up the hatching process, or you can buy a Super Incubator at the shop for 200 Pokemon coins)
Rewards: Completing these tasks earns you an Eevee, Premium Raid Pass and King's Rock.
Fourth Tasks: Walk 10km with Eevee as a friend to get Candy, which helps to evolve Eevee into Espeon, Get 25 candies during the day to evolve Eevee into Espeon, and Share 20 gifts with friends or trainers.
Rewards: Metal Coat, Stardust and Eevee.
Fifth Tasks: Walk 10 kilometers with Eevee as a friend to get sweets and the task is to evolve Eevee into Umbreon, Evolving Eevee into Umbreon at night Just like evolving into Espeon, you need to give Eevee 25 candies and evolve him into your partner at night, Trade Pokémon with players.(costs Stardust)
Rewards: Complete these tasks to earn Pinap Berry and Star Pieces and upgrades.
Sixth Tasks: You must visit Pokestops every day for a week, Use 25 Pinap Berries when catching Pokemon(Pinap Berries can also be obtained from PokeStops and Gyms), Use an item to evolve Pokemon twice.
Rewards: After completing these challenges you can earn Dragon Scale, Silver Pinap Berry, and Stardust.
Seventh Tasks: Catch 40 Grass or Psychic type Pokemon(You can grab Exeggcute and Exeggutor are dual Grass/Psychic so these will help you), Use 25 Pineapple Berries and catch a Pokemon, Earn a Gold Johto Medal(It can be obtained by catching 70 Pokemon from the Johto area).
Rewards: A Charged TM, 10 Silver Pinap Berries, and an encounter with Celebi.
Eighth Tasks: The final stage of A Ripple in Time special research task is very simple, in this stage Celebi will appear and you need to keep rotating your camera to find it, as long as you keep throwing Poke Balls at it, once you hit it three times it will be yours. Once you hit it three times, it will be yours. In addition, you will receive 5,500 Stardust, a Super Incubator, and 20 Celebi Candy.
This is all about Pokemon Go A Ripple in Time, if you also want to experience this game with your friends, you can get Cheap Pokemon Go Accounts to save your time collecting Pokemon.
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