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Destiny 2 News & Guides
Destiny 2 Lightfall Guide: How to Reach Powerful Cap Fast in Lightfall

Destiny 2 new expansion Lightfall has been released recently. Players have access to experience new content, weapons and game features in the new expansion. While, if players want to join in the challenging content in Destiny 2 Lightfall, they have to reach the Powerful Cap in advance. You can learn from the guidance that how to level up fast in Destiny 2 lightfall expansion. Players can buy Cheap D2 Silver to unlock good items for characters in Destiny 2 Lightfall expansion.
What is Power Level in Destiny 2?

Power level in Destiny 2 is a numerical value that determines how much damage you take and deal to your foes — where the higher the level, the more damage you deal and the less you receive. Outside of damage dealing, know that activities in the game will have a set Power level and you’ll be more effective when you’re close to or exceeding that level.
Players and enemies each have a Power level and they get compared together. Your overall Power level comes from averaging the Power level of your gear, plus any additional levels from your seasonal artifact.
How to Reach Powerful Cap Fast in Destiny 2 Lightfall
The soft cap is the first milestone that Guardians will reach at 1750. It may seem like a huge jump, but it really isn't. By completing the Lightfall campaign on Legendary, Guardians will be awarded a full set of 1770 gear. Otherwise, just running through it normally will get many close to that 1750 threshold.
Once you hit 1570, I recommend grabbing bounties from the four main vendors in the Tower and completing those. If you’re trying to min/max your grind, make sure to leave at the end of Crucible and Gambit matches, to ensure you don’t hit the three matches completed to earn a piece of Pinnacle gear. You’ll also want to save any exotic quests you might unlock if you didn’t complete the campaign on Legendary difficulty. This is because you might not be at the Soft Cap, which can be easily achieved by just grinding out activities like Strikes, Public Events, or Crucible Matches.
Additionally, you’ll want to try and knock out any Tier One Powerful sources first before moving on to Tier Two or Three. This will ensure that you’re claiming the highest Light gear last, which will make leveling a bit easier. Currently, there aren’t a ton of Tier Two or Three sources that we know of at launch. However, I suspect there will be more that are either tied to new world activities on Neomuna or seasonal activities linked to Season of Defiance.
After hitting 1750, Guardians will notice that world drops will no longer increase their Power Level. Moving forward, the only way to boost Power Level is through Powerful and Pinnacle rewards. The next step is to hit the Powerful cap of 1800. These drops come from a variety of sources.
Complete eight bounties from each of the vendors: Crucible, Gambit, Vanguard Ops, and Gunsmith (+1 Power)
Weekly Nightfall challenge (+1 Power)
Crucible, Gambit, Vanguard Ops, and Gunsmith rank rewards (+1 Power)
Random drop Prime and Exotic Engrams
If players want to experience more contents in Destiny 2, you can follow the guidance and level up your power level quickly in the game. And you can also Buy Destiny 2 Silver to upgrade your characters as well in order to complete more hard quests.
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