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Diablo 4 Gold News & Guides
Diablo 4 Rare Material Guide: Where to Find and How to Use Fiend Roses in Diablo IV

In order to build the best characters in Diablo 4 endgame, many players are willing to adjust their gear for upgrade. So, they have to find different kinds of rare materials in the game. One of these rare materials is Fiend Rose. Many players are wondering that how to get it in Diablo IV. You can read this article for guidance. Players can use Cheap D4 Gold to earn more XP for characters and reach the endgame content early.
What Are Fiend Roses in Diablo 4?
Fiend Roses are an extremely rare crafting material that are used in enchanting and the creation of elixirs. Players can use Fiend Roses to alter any unwanted or useless affixes (modifiers that alter the stats of an item) through enchantment. It costs one Fiend Rose every time you enchant a piece of gear.
Where to Find Fiend Roses in Diablo 4
Fiend Roses are found only in the end-game content, as you'll first have to beat the campaign and complete the Cathedral Of Light Capstone dungeon to unlock World Tier 3. While playing in World Tier 3 or higher, there will be a new random event known as Helltides. Helltides infect an area of the map for a one-hour event, greatly strengthening the monsters of that area but giving you more loot to find. Much like World Bosses, Helltide events run off of the real-world clock, meaning you should prioritize these events the minute they spawn. Enemies in the Helltide will also be slightly higher level than your character, making sure they are always a challenge to survive through.
In these Helltide-affected areas will be a demonic flower that blooms, which players can pluck to obtain Fiend Roses. After seeing a Helltide event begin, simply run around in the infected areas, and you'll occasionally find the demonic-looking flowers. Fiend Roses can also be found in the special chests that spawn during Helltide events, but they don't have a high or reliable drop rate, making it best to continue exploring the whole infected area looking for them. These chests are opened using the special cinders currency only dropped during the Helltide event for those wanting to open the chests.
Fiend Roses Locations in Diablo 4
Rare plants in Helltide locations
Inside Tortured Chests found in Helltides
Occasionally dropped by enemies in Helltides
Silent Chests (very rare drop)
Fiend Roses are like any other plants across Sanctuary but can only be found growing in Helltide areas. Even then, they're a rare spawn, so you'll likely need to hunt around the entire area to find one.
How to Use Fiend Roses in Diablo 4
Once you've found the elusive Fiend Rose in Diablo 4, you can use it to enchant your Legendary gear with affixes that provide various buffs, such as improved stats or resistance to specific elements. Additionally, some reports suggest that Fiend Rose can also be used to create certain kinds of potions. With its powerful properties, the Fiend Rose is undoubtedly a valuable ingredient for players looking to augment their character and take on more challenging activities in Diablo 4.
Keep in mind that the affixes enchanted to your equipment are random, and their significance is RNG-based. So, without enough of the Fiend Rose in your inventory, you may be left with Legendary gear with worthless stats, reducing their value and making them less viable than lower-tier equipment.
Players who are looking for how to get Fiend Roses can experiment the guidance in the game, which will increase the chances of obtaining it. In order to build the best characters, players can Buy Diablo IV Gold to select good gear for characters instead in the trade market.
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