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Fate/Grand Order Saint Quartz News & Guides
Fate Grand Order: Complete CE Bombs Guide
CE Bombs is the most efficient way to leveling CEs on Fate\Grand Order. For new dummies who never heard it before, below is a complete CE Bombs guide posted by Rediditer “Unlimited Roll Works!”.
A CE bomb is the name given to those CEs which have a lot of power(exp) by accumulating many other CEs in the process, the process of crafting a CE bomb is important for 3 main reasons: 1)It helps clear inventory space. 2)It saves big amounts of QP, 3) it generates some extra exp among the way by being fed multiple times
Where should I use my CE bombs?
That’s a tricky question, there’s plenty of decent event CEs and not a proportionate source to level them all, so once you see using a certain CE very frequently it is worth consideration, the general rule is to invest in those CE which increase ATK rather than HP
You can check the following (imo) to better understand CE bomb process, and the reasoning of all of this is available below the guide.
M: Million (x,000,000)
FP: Friend Points
CE: Craft Essence.
LB: Limit Break/Broken (When you feed the very same CE to a CE)
MLB: Max Limit Broken (When you feed a total of 4 copies of the very same CE to that CE)
TL;DR text version:
• feed 18k on exp to a 2* CE (18k fodder)
• feed 5 (18k fodder) to a [3* CE or LB 1* CE] (100k fodder)
• feed 20 (100k fodder) to a MLB 1* CE (2M fodder)
• --feed n (100k fodder) to a MLB 1* CE (nM fodder) in order to get the exp needed to fill the Exp gap
• feed 1/4/8 (2M) + a (nM fodder) to the MLB 3/4/5* CE
• ?????
• profit
Disclaimer: you can keep feeding CEs to a “soft capped” CE as long as they are the same (since they allow the limit break and can be fed even more than 4 [when you would have MLB]) the process keeps being very similar but allows for some more optimization, will update soon.
It’s easier to explain the process backwards:
You got a MLB 3/4/5* CE which you want to take to Max Level, to do so you use 1/2/3* CEs since you can get them from the FP Gacha, the Exp requirements (which follow the same Exp Chart Table: http://fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Leveling#EXP as servants, except from lvl 90->100) per rarity is as follows
RarityMLB lvl capAcc Exp
1* CE502,082,500
2* CE552,772,000
3* CE603,599,000
4* CE808,532,000
5* CE10016,665,000
That’s a lot of Exp, but we don’t want to spend a lot of QP in the process, the higher the level and rarity of a CE the more it costs to feed it a Card, so the way to go is to feed all of the Exp in one go, the thing is no FP base CE can hold as much exp, so let’s try to break it in parts:
Raritylvl capAcc Exp
1* CE1016,500
2* CE1556,000
3* CE20133,000
We will try to build cards which can hold good amounts of Exp and can be used to feed 3/4/5* without wasting, the best way to go is build 2M cards, since we can use 8 of them for a MLB 5*, or 4 for a MLB 4*, or 1-2 for a MLB 3*
What's the best 2M exp holder? a MLB 1* CE, and to keep it simple we will reach the 2M card with 100k exp cards (20)
Now, what can hold 100k exp? well it can be either a base 3* CE or a LB 1* CE (just feeded one copy of itself), we will call any of those two a 100k fodder
All good so far, but we still gotta get those 100k exp together, and here we can get some use of the Great and Super Success that happens every now and then (hold as many 2/3 CE as you can in your second inventory for when Great/Super success rate ups come)
We will do it by gathering (5) five 18k fodder , these can be either a 2* CE or a 1* CE as long as you also feed it one copy of itself, which we will feed by using any combinations of 1/2/3* . This way if a Great Success Happens we will get 36k exp (which still gets contained by the 56k exp cap) or if a Super Success Happens we will get 54k exp (which also gets contained by the 56k exp cap!) [keep on mind Acc Exp doesn’t benefit from Great/Super success]
You might have noticed there’s a very few exp missing in those (5)five cards to reach the 100k, well we must not forget the STD exp from the 2* itself, and if there were any missing you just fill the missing exp with some more Exp cards
All of this takes care of the saving inventory space and saving QP, you might be wondering, where does the extra Exp gain takes part?
Well, you see, there’s only 2 ways to get exp without it implying more cards, Great/Super Success, which we already covered by allowing enough space when feeding on the first step/stage, and CE level bonus exp; a CE gets an extra 10 exp per level gained, so the level 10/18k fodder also gets an extra 90 exp, the way to maximize this gain is on the low levels, say until level 8, where you can get at least 1 level per fed card
With all this we can define some of the requirements in order to not confuse our resources, what I try is to get a 2M fodder every now and then to clean my inventory, so lets plan for that:
• one MLB 1* CE, that means 5 copies of the same 1* CE (40 if you want to plan ahead)
• twenty 3* CE, or twenty LB 1* CE, aka forty 1* CE. Or any combination of those
• one-hundred 2* CE, (or 1* CE if being feeded a copy of itself )
• a ton of CE exp resources, have fun!
Stay tuned with Mmocs.com, a professional online in-game currency for Cheap Fate/Grand Order Saint Quartz.
A CE bomb is the name given to those CEs which have a lot of power(exp) by accumulating many other CEs in the process, the process of crafting a CE bomb is important for 3 main reasons: 1)It helps clear inventory space. 2)It saves big amounts of QP, 3) it generates some extra exp among the way by being fed multiple times
Where should I use my CE bombs?
That’s a tricky question, there’s plenty of decent event CEs and not a proportionate source to level them all, so once you see using a certain CE very frequently it is worth consideration, the general rule is to invest in those CE which increase ATK rather than HP
You can check the following (imo) to better understand CE bomb process, and the reasoning of all of this is available below the guide.
M: Million (x,000,000)
FP: Friend Points
CE: Craft Essence.
LB: Limit Break/Broken (When you feed the very same CE to a CE)
MLB: Max Limit Broken (When you feed a total of 4 copies of the very same CE to that CE)
TL;DR text version:
• feed 18k on exp to a 2* CE (18k fodder)
• feed 5 (18k fodder) to a [3* CE or LB 1* CE] (100k fodder)
• feed 20 (100k fodder) to a MLB 1* CE (2M fodder)
• --feed n (100k fodder) to a MLB 1* CE (nM fodder) in order to get the exp needed to fill the Exp gap
• feed 1/4/8 (2M) + a (nM fodder) to the MLB 3/4/5* CE
• ?????
• profit
Disclaimer: you can keep feeding CEs to a “soft capped” CE as long as they are the same (since they allow the limit break and can be fed even more than 4 [when you would have MLB]) the process keeps being very similar but allows for some more optimization, will update soon.
It’s easier to explain the process backwards:
You got a MLB 3/4/5* CE which you want to take to Max Level, to do so you use 1/2/3* CEs since you can get them from the FP Gacha, the Exp requirements (which follow the same Exp Chart Table: http://fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Leveling#EXP as servants, except from lvl 90->100) per rarity is as follows
RarityMLB lvl capAcc Exp
1* CE502,082,500
2* CE552,772,000
3* CE603,599,000
4* CE808,532,000
5* CE10016,665,000
That’s a lot of Exp, but we don’t want to spend a lot of QP in the process, the higher the level and rarity of a CE the more it costs to feed it a Card, so the way to go is to feed all of the Exp in one go, the thing is no FP base CE can hold as much exp, so let’s try to break it in parts:
Raritylvl capAcc Exp
1* CE1016,500
2* CE1556,000
3* CE20133,000
We will try to build cards which can hold good amounts of Exp and can be used to feed 3/4/5* without wasting, the best way to go is build 2M cards, since we can use 8 of them for a MLB 5*, or 4 for a MLB 4*, or 1-2 for a MLB 3*
What's the best 2M exp holder? a MLB 1* CE, and to keep it simple we will reach the 2M card with 100k exp cards (20)
Now, what can hold 100k exp? well it can be either a base 3* CE or a LB 1* CE (just feeded one copy of itself), we will call any of those two a 100k fodder
All good so far, but we still gotta get those 100k exp together, and here we can get some use of the Great and Super Success that happens every now and then (hold as many 2/3 CE as you can in your second inventory for when Great/Super success rate ups come)
We will do it by gathering (5) five 18k fodder , these can be either a 2* CE or a 1* CE as long as you also feed it one copy of itself, which we will feed by using any combinations of 1/2/3* . This way if a Great Success Happens we will get 36k exp (which still gets contained by the 56k exp cap) or if a Super Success Happens we will get 54k exp (which also gets contained by the 56k exp cap!) [keep on mind Acc Exp doesn’t benefit from Great/Super success]
You might have noticed there’s a very few exp missing in those (5)five cards to reach the 100k, well we must not forget the STD exp from the 2* itself, and if there were any missing you just fill the missing exp with some more Exp cards
All of this takes care of the saving inventory space and saving QP, you might be wondering, where does the extra Exp gain takes part?
Well, you see, there’s only 2 ways to get exp without it implying more cards, Great/Super Success, which we already covered by allowing enough space when feeding on the first step/stage, and CE level bonus exp; a CE gets an extra 10 exp per level gained, so the level 10/18k fodder also gets an extra 90 exp, the way to maximize this gain is on the low levels, say until level 8, where you can get at least 1 level per fed card
With all this we can define some of the requirements in order to not confuse our resources, what I try is to get a 2M fodder every now and then to clean my inventory, so lets plan for that:
• one MLB 1* CE, that means 5 copies of the same 1* CE (40 if you want to plan ahead)
• twenty 3* CE, or twenty LB 1* CE, aka forty 1* CE. Or any combination of those
• one-hundred 2* CE, (or 1* CE if being feeded a copy of itself )
• a ton of CE exp resources, have fun!
Stay tuned with Mmocs.com, a professional online in-game currency for Cheap Fate/Grand Order Saint Quartz.
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