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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Credits News & Guides
How to Find and Kill The Kalydonian Boar, The Hind of Keryneia, The Nemean Lion and Other Legendary Animals Easily in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Legendary Creatures are unique enemies. There are only one of each in the world and once defeated, they cannot be fought again. Each Legendary Creature that you kill will reward you with a special pelt or fur, which can in turn be turned in to The Daughters of Artemis for rare and valuable rewards. In this guide,we will tell you where to find every single Legendary Creature in the game and the easiest ways to defeat them to help you get the upper hand in the game.
The Kalydonian Boar, level 20
Althogh the Kalydonian Boar is your first target for this quest and the lowest level enemy you’ll encounter, it’s still very tough for you to defeat easily. They are located at Northwest edge of Sacred Lands of Apollo, Northwest Phokis. To start, unlock Second Wind, which you'll need to heal yourself when you inevitably get gored on one of his tusks. I also highly recommend getting Venomous Attacks, which will weaken the boar's damage and armor while also applying some extra damage over time. Vanish can help you later in the fight if you start getting overwhelmed and need a few seconds to breathe.
The Hind of Keryneia, level 25
The giant deer of Keryneia can be found in an isolated patch of swampland located southeast of the synchronization spot in the Artemision Point in Euboea. To beat the Deer of Keryneia you should try to avoid tackling it head on as that’s where most of the attacks come from. Since the deer has a number of fast antler attacks, try to stick to either the sides or rear of the beast, as this will give you the most time to react to any oncoming attacks. Keep sidestepping while chipping away with Venomous Attacks and you will eventually take down the beast with minimal effort. To unlock more powerful weapons, you can buy Cheap Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Credits from our website: mmocs.com. By using the code “MMOCSVIP”, you can gain a 3% discount when you order.
The Nemean Lion, level 25
You can find the Nemean Lion over on the southernmost tip of Argolis on a large circular battleground surrounded by cliffsides. Rather than a charge attack, the Nemean Lion will rush forward and then engage one of its normal claw swipes. The charge is relatively slow and easy to dodge, making it the perfect window for dodging out of the way to attack its flanks, or just focusing on nailing ranged arrow shots to the Nemean Lion’s head both before and after it charges. If you need to upgrade gear, come to mmocs.com for Cheap Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Credits. At regular intervals, the Nemean Lion will hop back and summon a few lion companions and we advise you focus them down as fast as possible.
The Kretan Bull is located towards the western edge of the Fertile Battleground, in a large clearing on the mountainside along the southern coastline of Messara. The bull’s main attack comes in the form of a charge, and if it connects it can dish out some serious damage, so you should use the long dodge (by holding the dodge button) as the short dodge can sometimes leave you slightly within the attack radius. Wait for the bull to charge, dodge out of the way, and then attack his flanks until the time shift ends. Then, as soon as the bull turns around, try to nail a headshot with your bow before he charges again. Rinse and repeat with the occasional Hero Strike or Overpower attack and eventually the Kretan Bull will go down like a sack of potatoes. For more guide on other legendary animals in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, check the video above and stay tuned for our website: mmocs.com.
The Kalydonian Boar, level 20
Althogh the Kalydonian Boar is your first target for this quest and the lowest level enemy you’ll encounter, it’s still very tough for you to defeat easily. They are located at Northwest edge of Sacred Lands of Apollo, Northwest Phokis. To start, unlock Second Wind, which you'll need to heal yourself when you inevitably get gored on one of his tusks. I also highly recommend getting Venomous Attacks, which will weaken the boar's damage and armor while also applying some extra damage over time. Vanish can help you later in the fight if you start getting overwhelmed and need a few seconds to breathe.
The Hind of Keryneia, level 25
The giant deer of Keryneia can be found in an isolated patch of swampland located southeast of the synchronization spot in the Artemision Point in Euboea. To beat the Deer of Keryneia you should try to avoid tackling it head on as that’s where most of the attacks come from. Since the deer has a number of fast antler attacks, try to stick to either the sides or rear of the beast, as this will give you the most time to react to any oncoming attacks. Keep sidestepping while chipping away with Venomous Attacks and you will eventually take down the beast with minimal effort. To unlock more powerful weapons, you can buy Cheap Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Credits from our website: mmocs.com. By using the code “MMOCSVIP”, you can gain a 3% discount when you order.
The Nemean Lion, level 25
You can find the Nemean Lion over on the southernmost tip of Argolis on a large circular battleground surrounded by cliffsides. Rather than a charge attack, the Nemean Lion will rush forward and then engage one of its normal claw swipes. The charge is relatively slow and easy to dodge, making it the perfect window for dodging out of the way to attack its flanks, or just focusing on nailing ranged arrow shots to the Nemean Lion’s head both before and after it charges. If you need to upgrade gear, come to mmocs.com for Cheap Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Credits. At regular intervals, the Nemean Lion will hop back and summon a few lion companions and we advise you focus them down as fast as possible.
The Kretan Bull, level 33
The Kretan Bull is located towards the western edge of the Fertile Battleground, in a large clearing on the mountainside along the southern coastline of Messara. The bull’s main attack comes in the form of a charge, and if it connects it can dish out some serious damage, so you should use the long dodge (by holding the dodge button) as the short dodge can sometimes leave you slightly within the attack radius. Wait for the bull to charge, dodge out of the way, and then attack his flanks until the time shift ends. Then, as soon as the bull turns around, try to nail a headshot with your bow before he charges again. Rinse and repeat with the occasional Hero Strike or Overpower attack and eventually the Kretan Bull will go down like a sack of potatoes. For more guide on other legendary animals in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, check the video above and stay tuned for our website: mmocs.com.
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