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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Credits News & Guides
How to Knock Out Enemies And Tame Animals in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Instead of killing enemies, knocking out some top notch enemies and recruiting them will be invaluable to you in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. For example, some powerful enemies can be your your Lieutenants which adds valuable buffs to the Adrestia when added to your ship’s crew. They can also join you in combat if you take the Call to Arms ability in the Assassin tree. Besides, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey also lets players invest in a number of interesting skills, including the chance to tame wild wolves and other beasts. Only certain animals can be tamed, and it’s not as simple as just walking up to them and saying hello. So in this guide, we will show you how to knock out enemies, recruit them, and how to tame animals in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
How to Knock Out Enemies
Here are some knock-out techniques,along with some of the circumstances where they can be used effectively. First, you can use fisticuffs to knock out some low level enemies, if you unequip all your weapons before combat begins. Remember it is used for low level enemies. Then you can knock out enemies with the Spartan Kick ability, which is especially used for melee attack for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. However, to knock out your enemies successfully, you need to control the time carefully, because it only knocks your opponent out if it delivers enough damage to drop his hit points to zero. Besides, once you miss-time the kick, you’ll have to survive until you can use it again.
Finally, assassination. One-shot assassinations give you the option of killing the target or knocking them out. While high-level enemies are difficult to one-shot, assassination can still be an effective recruitment technique. When faced with high-value recruitment targets such as Polemarchs and Mercenaries , the last assassination gives you the choice to loot or recruit. By the way, for Cheap Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Credits, come to mmocs.com, where you can enjoy a 3% discount by using the code “ MMOCSVIP ”.
Before you can tame any beasts to fight by your side, you’ll first need to unlock the relevant skill, called Beast Master and is only be available once you’ve unlocked the second tier of skills at Level 10.
Much like recruiting Special Lieutenants, to tame an animal you first need to knock it out. remember you can only tame one at a time, and one of the best ways to knock out a target is using the Spartan Kick, which is a non-lethal ability and doesn’t deal much damage in of itself, meaning you need to bring the animal down to low health first before kicking it.
Once your target is unconscious, all you need to do it walk up to it and press X on PS4 or A on Xbox One when the prompt appears to tame it. A tamed wolf will follow you on the island you found it, and can even keep pace with your horse, but unfortunately won’t join you on your boat should you decide to ship off. You’ll need to tame another beast each time you hop off your ship to explore an island. That’s all the techniques we recommend here. Pick the one that best suits the circumstances and your combat style and it won’t be long before you have a stable of Legendary Lieutenants and animals at your beck and call.
How to Knock Out Enemies
Here are some knock-out techniques,along with some of the circumstances where they can be used effectively. First, you can use fisticuffs to knock out some low level enemies, if you unequip all your weapons before combat begins. Remember it is used for low level enemies. Then you can knock out enemies with the Spartan Kick ability, which is especially used for melee attack for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. However, to knock out your enemies successfully, you need to control the time carefully, because it only knocks your opponent out if it delivers enough damage to drop his hit points to zero. Besides, once you miss-time the kick, you’ll have to survive until you can use it again.
Finally, assassination. One-shot assassinations give you the option of killing the target or knocking them out. While high-level enemies are difficult to one-shot, assassination can still be an effective recruitment technique. When faced with high-value recruitment targets such as Polemarchs and Mercenaries , the last assassination gives you the choice to loot or recruit. By the way, for Cheap Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Credits, come to mmocs.com, where you can enjoy a 3% discount by using the code “ MMOCSVIP ”.
Before you can tame any beasts to fight by your side, you’ll first need to unlock the relevant skill, called Beast Master and is only be available once you’ve unlocked the second tier of skills at Level 10.
Much like recruiting Special Lieutenants, to tame an animal you first need to knock it out. remember you can only tame one at a time, and one of the best ways to knock out a target is using the Spartan Kick, which is a non-lethal ability and doesn’t deal much damage in of itself, meaning you need to bring the animal down to low health first before kicking it.
Once your target is unconscious, all you need to do it walk up to it and press X on PS4 or A on Xbox One when the prompt appears to tame it. A tamed wolf will follow you on the island you found it, and can even keep pace with your horse, but unfortunately won’t join you on your boat should you decide to ship off. You’ll need to tame another beast each time you hop off your ship to explore an island. That’s all the techniques we recommend here. Pick the one that best suits the circumstances and your combat style and it won’t be long before you have a stable of Legendary Lieutenants and animals at your beck and call.
Read More Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Credits News & Guides on Mmocs.com
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