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League Of Legends Gold News & Guides
LOL Aatrox Skills & Gameplay Walkthrough
LoL is a multiplayer online battle arena game, feature more than one hundred heros and several challengeable arenas for holding 5v5 confrontations. Players farming on the three mainline of last hitting and denying and keep the line to level up and upgrade their skills. Ranged characters can utilize their long-range normal attack to grind foes’ HP to kill them, while melee classes tend to forbear and wait for chance to cast a fatal gank.
In order to play well LoL, the most important thing isn’t to focus on a hero to practice and practice his five skills to perfect, but to get to know about their allies and enemies’ gameplay so that you can co-operate with your partners to initial a successful strike. Melee is hard for noob to master due to its closed attack range. They always been exposed in enemies’ range and easy to get hurt for their threat value.

Aatrox is a melee, tank, warrior hero in LOL, holding two-hand great sword, features high basic attack, amazing vitality, and sufficient AoE spells, acting as a tank in group battle. The four skills of Aatrox are:
Blood Well – Passive – Self Saving
Aatrox has five skills, in which two of them costs HP when initialed. This “Blood Well” like a well that stocks part of the cost HP, and extract it when you’re endangered. The extracting process will be slow but uninterruptable. When the healing effect come into force, Aatrox will get slightly attack speed improvement.

Dark Flight – Active – AoE
As one of the two HP cost skill of Aatrox, Dark Flight is an instant skill, Aatrox jump and thrust into centre of enemies’ field. What’s more, center of enemies will be stunned for 1 sec. This skill has 25000 range so you can also use it to escape from gank.
Blood Thirst – Passive – Basic Attack
Blood Thirst is a passive skill that endows you with the ability to enhance your attack successively to fixed target. For every three attacks, you will gain extra 40 attack for the last attack, the value will be doubled when target’s HP lower than half of maximum. Every attacks will restore minor points for you Blood Well skill too.
Blade of Torment – Active – AoE in line
Aatrox launches his sword to appointed direction, the sword can flight up to 1000 distance, hurt every enemies passed by and slowed them down for 2.75 sec. It can be used to farming or weaken enemies before a group battle.

Massacre – Active – Self Saving
This skill activate a rage state for Aatrox, provide extra attack speed and extra attack range for you. During the period of the skill, you can also draw blood from enemies and deals 400 magic damage to nearby enemies. Massacre also fills Blood Well by 20%.
Aatrox always like to pretend they are weak and dying when they has full Blood Well. When in a melee, your task is only to use out your skills before your die, however, you are not so fragile. To buy LOL Gold, we Mmocs.com are your best choice! Keep following us for most timely game guide!
In order to play well LoL, the most important thing isn’t to focus on a hero to practice and practice his five skills to perfect, but to get to know about their allies and enemies’ gameplay so that you can co-operate with your partners to initial a successful strike. Melee is hard for noob to master due to its closed attack range. They always been exposed in enemies’ range and easy to get hurt for their threat value.

Aatrox is a melee, tank, warrior hero in LOL, holding two-hand great sword, features high basic attack, amazing vitality, and sufficient AoE spells, acting as a tank in group battle. The four skills of Aatrox are:
Blood Well – Passive – Self Saving
Aatrox has five skills, in which two of them costs HP when initialed. This “Blood Well” like a well that stocks part of the cost HP, and extract it when you’re endangered. The extracting process will be slow but uninterruptable. When the healing effect come into force, Aatrox will get slightly attack speed improvement.

Dark Flight – Active – AoE
As one of the two HP cost skill of Aatrox, Dark Flight is an instant skill, Aatrox jump and thrust into centre of enemies’ field. What’s more, center of enemies will be stunned for 1 sec. This skill has 25000 range so you can also use it to escape from gank.
Blood Thirst – Passive – Basic Attack
Blood Thirst is a passive skill that endows you with the ability to enhance your attack successively to fixed target. For every three attacks, you will gain extra 40 attack for the last attack, the value will be doubled when target’s HP lower than half of maximum. Every attacks will restore minor points for you Blood Well skill too.
Blade of Torment – Active – AoE in line
Aatrox launches his sword to appointed direction, the sword can flight up to 1000 distance, hurt every enemies passed by and slowed them down for 2.75 sec. It can be used to farming or weaken enemies before a group battle.

Massacre – Active – Self Saving
This skill activate a rage state for Aatrox, provide extra attack speed and extra attack range for you. During the period of the skill, you can also draw blood from enemies and deals 400 magic damage to nearby enemies. Massacre also fills Blood Well by 20%.
Aatrox always like to pretend they are weak and dying when they has full Blood Well. When in a melee, your task is only to use out your skills before your die, however, you are not so fragile. To buy LOL Gold, we Mmocs.com are your best choice! Keep following us for most timely game guide!
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