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WOW Classic SOM Gold News & Guides
WoW Classic SOM Shattered Sun Guide: How to Reach The Isle of Quel’ Danas

There are a new patch called Shattered Sun introduced as an extended storyline in WoW Classic SOM, and players have access to experience the former contents of WoW in this patch. If you can’t remember the way to reach the Isle of Quel’ Danas in the game, you can read this article and know the exact route of it. In order to become strong in the game, you can buy Cheap WoW Classic SOM Gold to level up your characters in time and complete more quests.
Introduction of The Isle of Quel’ Danas
The Isle of Quel'Danas is an island located north of Eversong Woods. It is most commonly reached by the direct portal from Shattrath City, once the Battle for Sun's Reach has completed on the island. Before the battle has concluded, players can reach the Isle by flying from Silvermoon City or Ironforge.
It is the major daily quest hub for the Shattered Sun Offensive, a group of Aldor and Scryers working together to reclaim the island from Kael'thas, who reactivated the Sunwell. Isle of Quel'Danas is meant for level 70 players.
How to Reach The Isle of Quel’ Danas
The flight path to the zone from Ironforge, Hatchet Hills, Light's Hope, and Silvermoon City is learned automatically at level 65. After a certain phase of reclaiming the island (as indicated by the number of completed daily quests), a portal will be opened between Quel'Danas and Shattrath City, allowing easy transport to the island. The portal from Shattrath to Quel'Danas is located in the alcove behind where Exarch Nasuun stands and drops off the player in the Sun's Reach Sanctum. Complete the daily quest Know Your Ley Lines to collect an item that allows a one-time-use teleport back to Shattrath.
The Alliance flight path from Ironforge to the Isle of Quel'Danas is distinctive among flight paths in that once the gryphon flies past the front gates of Ironforge the gryphon and rider are instantly teleported to the edge of the Isle of Quel'Danas zone and then fly the rest of the way normally. This saves the rider from a very lengthy flight.
Before going anywhere, every player has to talk to a Draenei NPC named General Tiras'alan in Shattrath, the main city in Outland. He can be found standing next to A'dal, the big Naaru floating in the middle of the city, in the same interior space that has the badge vendor and the Sha'tar Quartermaster.
Not everyone can travel to this new location. The Island of Quel'Danaas is endgame content, which means the quests and access points are only available to level 70 characters, although some Flight Plans are available from level 65. Once the quest in Shattrath is accepted, players must travel to another NPC on the island in order to complete it.
With the Horde-friendly city of Silvermoon nearby, this trip is considerably shorter and easier for the other faction, especially the Forsaken. Of course, Lady Sylvanas would have a direct mode of transport to her former hometown from her current throne room in Undercity, which is partly why there's a handy Translocation Orb in the ruins outside.
The orb takes players to an antechamber behind the throne room, unlike the portal from Shattrath which puts players in a small room in the front of the throne room instead. From there it's a short run to the Flight Master outside the front door and a direct line to Quel'Danas.
Players need to travel around the Isle of Quel’Danas to familiar with the local site and NPC, which makes them accept the quests easily. If you need some powerful gear for your characters, you can Buy WoW Classic SOM Gold to purchase them in the local merchants, they sometimes sell good items.
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