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WOW Classic TBC Gold News & Guides
WoW Classic TBC Game Guide: How to Find Ways to Get to Desolace in WoW Classic TBC

Most players are fond of playing WoW Classic TBC with their friends, and they are willing to find different places in the game world to search for some good materials and weapons. And One of these places is the Desolace. There are some challenges or quests are waiting for players to complete. While this place is not easy for players to get to through the map. They should find ways to get to this remote area in WoW Classic TBC. However, if you are lack of good weapons or gear for your character, you can buy WOW Classic TBC Gold to equip them in the game. They can help you defeat bosses during questing.
Introduction of Desolace
Desolace is a neutral zone located on the western coast of Kalimdor. The region is mostly barren wastelands or grey sand and rock, a stark contrast to some of the more scenic zones such as Feralas to the south. The landscape is filled with vicious tribes of centaurs, pesky lizards and carrion bords, and coveted resources like grave moss, iron, and mithril. It's a 30-40 level zone that isn't held by either faction, which makes a fertile breeding ground for PvP.
How to Get to Desolace
You will first have to go to Ironforge and from there on you have to walk out of the place and head towards east, then north and to the Wetlands. If you keep following the road towards the west from here you will find the Menethil Harbor – and from here on you can take two boats towards the Auberdine in Darkshore. Now you have to head south towards the Charred Vale in Stonetalon and Desolace is towards the south side.
Every kind of Horde race will need to follow the same path to Dolce. Use the Undercity Zeppelin to go immediately to the Origimmar from the Sonetalon Mountains. When you reach this destination, travel the road that goes to the northwest until it connects with the path that leads to the Charred Vale. This is a southwest path. Take the small road that you will see to the corner of the Charred Vale in the southwest part. This little road will end at the start of Desolace.
If you are using the Gnomes or Dwarves race, you would want to move out from the Ironforge. Take the path north-east in Don Morogh. Your goal is to enter Wetland. Then Keep following the road to reach the west direction of Wetland. There you will find menethil harbour on the north-west of menethil bay. From the harbour, take the boat that will take you to Auberdine. Your aim is to reach Ashenvile Forest in the south and then follow the same path.
This is the Alliance city closest to Desolace, which is convenient considering it isn’t close to anything else. Take a boat to Auberdine in Darkshore and run south to Stonetalon’s southwestern corner. This path passes via Ashenvale and the Barrens, which are already part of the natural level progression. Characters travelling in this direction can take advantage of the Deeptalon Path, a secret tunnel connecting Ashenvale and the Stonetalon Mountains, bypassing the Barrens entirely.
There are different ways for players to choose to get to the Desolace according to their classes. And you may meet some powerful bosses in the process of questing. You can Buy WOW TBC Gold to select the best materials to upgrade your weapon. You will find it is easy to kill them with the help of powerful weapons.
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