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WOW WotLK Classic Gold News & Guides
WoW Classic WotLK Best Mounts Guide: Best Mounts For Players to Get in Wrath of the Lich King

All of WoW fans are waiting for the official release of WoW Classic new expansion: WotLK. They expect to travel around the continent with their mounts in the game. Many players are wondering the list of best mounts in WotLK. You can read this article and learn the guidance. Players will need WoW WotLK Gold to unlock the mount training skills and try to get your first mount in the beginning of WotLK.
How to Unlock Mount Training in WotLK
First of all the required level in WOTLK to buy the first mount will decrease in WOTLK from the 30th level in TBC to the 20th level in the Wrath of the Lich King. But the first mount adds 60% movement speed instead of 100% speed. The riding skill for the slow mount costs 4 gold (before applying any faction discounts) and will require level 20.
At level 40 you will unlock 100% movement speed and will be able to buy fast ground mounts.
First flying mounts with 150% movement speed you unlock at level 70. You will also need to learn Expert Riding which is required to ride this mount you will need to be level 70. The only exception to this will be Druids. Druids can slow fly at level 68 when they get flight form. Expert Riding will cost 250 gold and then you will need to spend an additional 50 gold to buy the mount.
The fast-flying mount requires Artisan Riding and costs 200 gold. And the fast-flying mount costs 5000 gold. That is pretty expensive, but the mount moves at 280% movement speed.
Best Mounts For Players to Get in WotLK
Grand Black War Mammoth
There are 6 types of mammoths in Wrath. Obviously, the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth is the ultimate flex and will make you the hero of your guild. But let's talk about the Grand Black War Mammoth. This mammoth has a 1% drop chance from each of the bosses in the vault of archivon. That's the raid you can only do if your faction controls wintergrass. Since this raid can only be cleared once per week, you should start running it as soon as possible to get the actual rarest and coolest mammoth.
Violet Protodrake
The Violet Protodrake is one of the most gorgeous mounts in WOW Wrath. And you need to start working on it the minute Wrath comes out. This mount requires you to complete 8 separate holiday achievements throughout the year. You'll receive this mount from Alexstraza in the mail once you complete it. What a long strange trip it's been, because Wrath will launch around brew fest and Halloween, you'll want to immediately get those event achievements out of the way. Once those holiday events are over, you'll have to wait an entire year to get this awesome mount.
Crimson Deathcharger
This mount doesn't fly, which makes no sense for a beast that's apparently housed in Icecrwon Citadel which is only accessible via flight. However, this is an account-wide mount and it's rideable at lower levels, which means that all of a player's 'toons can use it. It's fast, too, with a speed boost of 100%.
People can only obtain this mount after killing Arthas Menethil, the boss at the end of this raid. Players also have to be in possession of Shadowmourne, a legendary weapon that can only be carried by a Warrior, a Paladin, or a Death Knight. They also need to have a Friendly reputation with the Ashen Verdict faction to get the quest Mograine's Reunion, which rewards this mount.
We have offered the guidance about how to unlock mount training in Wrath of the Lich King expansion and listed several best mounts for players to consider. You can also try to complete different challenges to get your desired mounts in the game. And you can also Buy WoW Classic WotLK Gold to purchase your fancy gear or mounts in the market, which saves you a lot of time on repeating completing quests.
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