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WOW Classic TBC Gold News & Guides
WoW Dragonflight Guide: How to Collect Storm Sigils in Dragonflight Expansion

WoW Dragonflight expansion introduce new quests or events for players. When they complete the quests or challenges, they have access to obtain the powerful gears in return. One of the new powerful gears in Dragonflight expansion is the Raging Tempest set. If you want to upgrade it to Primal-Infused gear, it will cost you some Storm Sigils. Do you want to know how to collect more Storm Sigils for enhancing the whole set? You can read this article for guidance. Players can also use Cheap WoW Dragonflight Gold to upgrade necessary gears quickly.
How to Farm Storm Sigils in WoW Dragonflight
Players can obtain Storm Sigils by participating in Primal Storms, which is a world event specific to the Dragon Isles. Every six hours, two randomized Dragon Isles regions, spanning from the Waking Shore, Ohn’ahran Plains, Azure Span, and Thaldraszus, will receive a primal invasion. Players can spot which zones have an active invasion by accessing their map and seeing which regions have a large red ‘X’ over them.
After locating and traveling to an invasion location, players will be able to collect two valuable currencies from enemies. These currencies are Elemental Overflow and Storm Sigils. Elemental Overflow is far more common for enemies to drop and, when exchanged in Valdrakken, can earn players a 359 item-level gear set.
Storm Sigils drop far less frequently, only appearing once a week per invasion. Given that there are four invasion types, players can only obtain four Storm Sigils per week per character if they participate in all Air, Earth, Fire, and Water Primal Invasions. Storm Sigils will allow players to exchange the currency for a much high item level set, coming at 385 item-level gear.
Though Storm Sigils take much more effort and grinding to obtain, the upgraded set is well worth the effort.
How to Collect More Storm Sigils in WoW Dragonflight
Given the number of weekly quests you can participate in, you can get 8 Storm Sigils per week in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. If you manage to complete the main quest “Storm Surge” and finish your first batch of weekly quests, you can get 9 Storm Sigils, but it’s only a one-time deal.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight has four repeatable weekly quests you can obtain these sigils from:
Dissipating the Air Primalists (Weekly Quest)
Extinguishing the Fire Primalists (Weekly Quest)
Shattering the Earth Primalists (Weekly Quest)
Vaporizing the Water Primalists (Weekly Quest)
Each weekly quest grants you 2 Storm Sigils in Dragonflight, whereas the main quest “Storm Surge” only grants you one. To Primal-Infuse your Raging Tempest gear, it’ll cost anywhere between 5 and 14 Storm Sigils, meaning a single week of farming could potentially upgrade a single piece of gear.
How to Spend Storm Sigils in WoW Dragonflight
Storm Sigils can only be spent by talking to Corxian in Gladiator’s Refuge in Valdrakken. Prior to Patch 10.0.7, Rethelshi was able to offer item upgrades. Either way, Corxian’s coordinates are 45.60, 38.38 (/way Valdrakken 45.60, 38.38).
Rare gear purchased from Mythressa (38.12, 37.55) in Valdrakken can be upgraded from Item Level 349 twice to a maximum of 385 at the cost of a Storm Sigil per upgrade.
Players need spend more time completing relevant quests for farming enough Storm Sigils in Dragonflight expansion. And you can also Buy WoW Dragonflight Gold to find the powerful gear for characters from the market, which are beneficial for exploring dungeon raids.
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