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Light’s Hope Gold News & Guides
WoW Private Server Light’s Hope Guide: Mining Leveling
Light’s Hope – The most popular WoW private server in the world, serves for 5,000+ users everyday!
Mining In WoW is a time-consuming work, relate to no-cost business and riskless gaming. How to improve mining efficiency is the most important thing for miners. Many gamers choose to be a miner since this professional is joyful and safe enough. As coins have two sides, mining has pros and cons for games.
* Mining is time-consuming.
* Mining is tedious.
* Mining is lucky-based profession.
* Mining does no direct benefit to combat.
* Mining doesn’t safe in some certain areas.
Alright, listed those cons unconsciously in a while. So it’s sure an inconspicuous profession. But why there’re still so many gamers devoted themselves into mining? I used to get tired quickly when mining, when in some inaccessible So it sure has its own pros, now let me tell me why this profession was so popular.
* Mining is money-saving.
* Mining is lucrative.
* Mining doesn’t requires complex control.
* Mining can help your engineering, jewelry, and black smith.
* Mining is easy to start.
I’ll show you're the most steady and safe method of mining, but you can start with nothing to top miner by this guide. Mining is a gathering profession, and it’s really time-consuming for you to level it to top 800. If you’re lacking of Gold, I recommend you this: Light’s Hope Gold, it can help you to get tons of gold immediately. I test it it’s fast and safe. Turn to our guide, If you still want to make gold by yourself in the game to enjoy it, just go our another page: Light’s Hope Guides. Here we’ll keep posting timely game news and guides for you. Do not miss it!
First of all, learn apprentice mining from a mining trainer, and buy a mining pick from the vendor. Focus on copper ore and tin ore, don’t sell them out, smelt them into bars and stock them. The both ores can be easily found at Hillsbrad Foothills.
Learn journeyman mining from mining trainer. Learn smelt iron at lv.125. Learn smelt gold at lv.155. Learn smelt mithril at lv.175. Smelt 70 bronze bars, 10 silver ore, 40 iron ore 20 steel bars, and 15 gold ore in this stage. Those ores can be easily found at Western Plaguelands.
Learn expert mining from mining trainer. Smelt 55 mithril ores, 15 truesilver ores. By doing this, you can level up to 200. Go to the Felwood to mine the ores.
Learn artisan mining from your mining trainer. And smelt thorium and truesilver at lv.230. Learn smelt fel iron at 275. Just smelt 130 thorium ores, it’s enough for lv.270. Thorium ore are spread at Un’Goro Crater and Winterspring.
Learn master mining at lv.275, and smelt 200 fel iron ores, 130 adamantite ores, 80 cobalt ores by lingering on Zangarmarsh and Howling Fjord. And then level up your mining to grand master, then still smelting: 100 saronite ores, 250 obsidium ores, 200 elementium ores to upgrade to lv.500. At last lern the zen mining. That is all the thing you can do to improve your mining by smelting ores.
To learn other tricks of light’s hope and warmane private server, just keep following Mmocs.com. More guides and news to be continue. Thank you for your reading!
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Mining In WoW is a time-consuming work, relate to no-cost business and riskless gaming. How to improve mining efficiency is the most important thing for miners. Many gamers choose to be a miner since this professional is joyful and safe enough. As coins have two sides, mining has pros and cons for games.
* Mining is time-consuming.
* Mining is tedious.
* Mining is lucky-based profession.
* Mining does no direct benefit to combat.
* Mining doesn’t safe in some certain areas.
Alright, listed those cons unconsciously in a while. So it’s sure an inconspicuous profession. But why there’re still so many gamers devoted themselves into mining? I used to get tired quickly when mining, when in some inaccessible So it sure has its own pros, now let me tell me why this profession was so popular.
* Mining is money-saving.
* Mining is lucrative.
* Mining doesn’t requires complex control.
* Mining can help your engineering, jewelry, and black smith.
* Mining is easy to start.
I’ll show you're the most steady and safe method of mining, but you can start with nothing to top miner by this guide. Mining is a gathering profession, and it’s really time-consuming for you to level it to top 800. If you’re lacking of Gold, I recommend you this: Light’s Hope Gold, it can help you to get tons of gold immediately. I test it it’s fast and safe. Turn to our guide, If you still want to make gold by yourself in the game to enjoy it, just go our another page: Light’s Hope Guides. Here we’ll keep posting timely game news and guides for you. Do not miss it!
First of all, learn apprentice mining from a mining trainer, and buy a mining pick from the vendor. Focus on copper ore and tin ore, don’t sell them out, smelt them into bars and stock them. The both ores can be easily found at Hillsbrad Foothills.
Learn journeyman mining from mining trainer. Learn smelt iron at lv.125. Learn smelt gold at lv.155. Learn smelt mithril at lv.175. Smelt 70 bronze bars, 10 silver ore, 40 iron ore 20 steel bars, and 15 gold ore in this stage. Those ores can be easily found at Western Plaguelands.
Learn expert mining from mining trainer. Smelt 55 mithril ores, 15 truesilver ores. By doing this, you can level up to 200. Go to the Felwood to mine the ores.
Learn artisan mining from your mining trainer. And smelt thorium and truesilver at lv.230. Learn smelt fel iron at 275. Just smelt 130 thorium ores, it’s enough for lv.270. Thorium ore are spread at Un’Goro Crater and Winterspring.
Learn master mining at lv.275, and smelt 200 fel iron ores, 130 adamantite ores, 80 cobalt ores by lingering on Zangarmarsh and Howling Fjord. And then level up your mining to grand master, then still smelting: 100 saronite ores, 250 obsidium ores, 200 elementium ores to upgrade to lv.500. At last lern the zen mining. That is all the thing you can do to improve your mining by smelting ores.
To learn other tricks of light’s hope and warmane private server, just keep following Mmocs.com. More guides and news to be continue. Thank you for your reading!
Go and see our Christmas Promotion! Up to 20% huge discount inside! Wait one more year once missed!
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